Thursday, 19 April 2012


Hello and welcome to my blog!

I have one more exam before I finish my second year of university and move to Dublin! I already have an apartment (I will give out my mailing address to those that want it once I know it myself), and pretty much all that's standing between me and the airport is six days and all the not-yet-packed junk in my room. I'm getting more excited to go everyday! I'm especially excited to see my parents in less than a week (I haven't seen them in four months) and to see what Dublin and my new job brings.  I have roughly five days to acclimatize myself to Dublin before I start work on May 8th, which I'm grateful for.

I'm really looking forward to moving back to Europe, if only temporarily. Canada has been nice and I'm sure it'll be great to come back in 18 months, but Europe is definitely a great place to live. It'll be different living on an island compared to land-locked Switzerland, though. I'm hoping to see some places that I haven't seen yet while I live in beautiful and historical Europe for another year.

Anyways, I should probably get to studying for my last exam...wish me luck!

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